Мал бех в братии моей и юнший в дому отца моего, пасох
Овцы отца моего. Руце мои сотвористе орган, и персты мои составиша псалтирь
И кто возвестит Господеви моему? Сам Господь, Сам услышит
Сам посла Ангела Своего, и взят мя от овец отца моего
И помаза мя елеем помазания своего. Братия моя добри и велицы
И не благоволи в них Господь
Изыдох в сретение иноплеменнику, и проклят мя идолы своими
Аз же, исторгнув меч от него, обезглавих его
И отъях поношение от сынов Израилевых.
Little bekh among my brethren and youngest in my father's house, pasoh
My father's sheep. My hands have created an organ, and my fingers have composed a psalter.
And who will tell my Lord? The Lord Himself will hear
He sent His angel, and took me from my father's sheep
And anointed me with his anointing oil. My brothers are good and great
And the Lord will not have mercy on them
I died at the meeting of the foreigner, and I was cursed by my idols
I, having torn the sword from him, beheaded him
And he took away the reproach of the children of Israel.