Мальчишки во дворе играли.
Соседство судьбы их свело.
Друзья росли, и возмужали,
И вместе пьют уже вино.
Но раз, за лишней чаркой было
Один другому невпопад
Сказал чего, другой забыл бы,
А друг вдруг стал из друга враг.
Мальчишки во дворе играли.
Сиротство судьбы их свело.
Отцов они не вспоминали,
Но ненавидели вино.
The boys in the yard were playing.
Neighborhood fate brought them together.
Friends grew and matured,
And they already drink wine together.
But once, for an extra glass there was
One to another out of place
Said what, another would forget
And a friend suddenly became an enemy from a friend.
The boys in the yard were playing.
Orphanhood of fate brought them together.
They did not remember their fathers,
But they hated wine.