(слова і музика - Кшановський Андрій)
Дід став сатаністом, Бога назавжди забув.
Інших вербував до лав своїх старий пердун.
Обкрадав церкви і цвинтарі для сатани.
Люди знали це, але боялися вони.
Дід - станіст! (3р.)
Наш дід сатаніст!
Внуки приїхали до діда на село.
Бідні не знали, куди їх занесло.
Днем все було добре, та вночі прийшла біда.
Стали молитися, а дід сказав : "П*зда!".
"Grandfather Satanist"
(lyrics and music - Kshanovsky Andrew)
Grandfather became a Satanist, God forgot forever.
The old fart recruited others to his ranks.
He robbed churches and cemeteries for Satan.
People knew it, but they were afraid.
Grandfather is a statesman! (3 years)
Our grandfather is a Satanist!
The grandchildren came to the grandfather in the village.
The poor did not know where they were taken.
Everything was fine during the day, and trouble came at night.
They began to pray, and the grandfather said: "Fuck!".