Текст песни Православная Молитва - Символ верыПросмотров: 0 чел. считают текст песни верным 0 чел. считают текст песни неверным Тут находится текст песни Православная Молитва - Символ веры, а также перевод, видео и клип. Верую во единаго Бога Отца, Вседержителя, Творца небу и земли, видимым же всем и невидимым. 2И во единаго Господа Иисуса Христа, Сына Божия, Единороднаго, Иже от Отца рожденнаго прежде всех век; Света от Света, Бога истинна от Бога истинна, рожденна, несотворенна, единосущна Отцу, Имже вся быша. 3Нас ради человек и нашего ради спасения сшедшаго с небес и воплотившагося от Духа Свята и Марии Девы, и вочеловечшася. 4Распятаго же за ны при Понтийстем Пилате, и страдавша, и погребенна. 5И воскресшаго в третий день по Писанием. 6И возшедшаго на небеса, и седяща одесную Отца. 7И паки грядущаго со славою судити живым и мертвым, Егоже Царствию не будет конца. 8И в Духа Святаго, Господа, Животворящаго, Иже от Отца исходящаго, Иже со Отцем и Сыном спокланяема и сславима, глаголавшаго пророки. 9Во едину Святую, Соборную и Апостольскую Церковь. 10Исповедую едино крещение во оставление грехов. 11Чаю воскресения мертвых, 12и жизни будущаго века. Аминь. The Son of God is called the second face of the Holy Trinity in his deity. He is named by the Lord, because he is a true God, for the name of the Lord has one of the names of God. The Son of God is named Jesus, that is, the Savior, this is named by the Archangel Gavriil himself. Christ, that is, the anointed, called his prophets - so long called the kings, high priests and prophets. Jesus, the Son of God, is named because all the gifts of the Holy Spirit are immensely reported immensely and, thus, to him in the highest degree belonging to the prophet, holiness of the high priest and the power of the king. Jesus Christ is called the Son of God's only beast, because he is only one there is a son of God, born from the creature of God Father, and therefore he is a single creature with God Father. The Faith symbol says that he is born from his father, and this is a personal property that he is different from other saint of the Holy Trinity. Before all the century, so that no one thought that there was a time when he was not. The words of light from the light in some way express the incomprehensible birth of the Son of God from the Father. God Father is eternal light, the son of God is born, who also has eternal light; But God the Father and the Son of God is a single eternal light, inseparable, one divine nature. The words of God are truly true of God being taken from the Holy Scriptures: We also know that the Son of God came and gave us the light and the mind, and they will know the God of True and will be in the true son of his Jesus Christ. This is true God and the life of the eternal (1 in. 5, 20). The words are born, unprecedented by the holy fathers of the Ecumenical Cathedral for the case of Aria, who dishonorly taught that the Son of God is created. The words are unique, father mean that the Son of God is the same Divine Being with God Father. The words left the whole house show that God the Father all created his son as an eternal wisdom of his own and eternal word with his own word. For the sake of the Former and our for the sake of salvation - the Son of God, according to his promise, came to Earth not for one people, but in general for the whole genus of human. Szedezago from heaven - how he himself says: no one spited on the sky, as soon as the Son of the Son of Human, which is heaven in heaven (John 3, 13). The Son of God is omnipresent and therefore always in the sky and on earth, but on earth he was not invisible and became visible only when he appeared in the flesh, it was embodied, that is, she took the flesh of human, except for sin, and became a man without ceasing to be God . The embodiment of Christ was accomplished by the promotion of the Holy Spirit, so the Holy Virgin as a virus before conception, that |