Текст песни пастор Назаров Дмитрий Андреевич - 26 МАРТА 2017. КАК МЫ ПРЕДСТАВЛЯЕМ СЕБЕ ПРОБУЖДЕНИЕПросмотров: 7 0 чел. считают текст песни верным 0 чел. считают текст песни неверным Тут находится текст песни пастор Назаров Дмитрий Андреевич - 26 МАРТА 2017. КАК МЫ ПРЕДСТАВЛЯЕМ СЕБЕ ПРОБУЖДЕНИЕ, а также перевод, видео и клип. 26 МАРТА 2017. СЛУЖЕНИЕ ЦЕРКВИ. Today I want to talk about the vision, about the idea of the results of our prayers and all our ministry, which we used to call "awakening." We live and work for some purpose. A person who lives aimlessly will not feel happy and this is in us from the Lord. Our god is the Lord goals. He says: I know the intentions, what I have about you, the Lord says, intentions for good, and not for evil to give you futureness and hope. Ier. 29:11. When the Lord speaks of his wife (and described about the church), quite pleasing to him, he also shows her relevant goal: she will think about the field, and acquires it; A vineyard hires from the fruits of their hands. Prov. 31:16. And when the Lord in the Gospel interprets his parables, he says: the field is the world; MF. 13:38. We can see that the church is designed to conceive, to have an intention, acquire this field! Here is another parable from the Gospel, in confirmation of my words: it is also like the kingdom of Heavenly Treasure, hidden on the field, which, finding, man was held, and from joy about him there and sells everything that has, and buys the field. MF. 13:44. The Lord himself did it - he redeemed the whole world, paid everyone that he had everyone to believe in him, but had eternal life! This world has already been redeemed, and we have the opportunity to "acquire property" or take away the "field" in Satan. And this is the work of the church and this is also the goal of the Action of the Church! And we often think like that priest from the work of Ilf and Petrova "We will find the treasure, we will build a candle breaker, heal." Those. We think about the awakening we see not the field, not our city, not our area, not our country, but just want to be more people in the church so that we stop counting the sectarians, and though we do not understand the intentions of God about us! God wants to give us a "field"! He speaks to us still in the Old Testament: Any place, for which the feet feet your legs, I give you how I told Moses. IIS. 1: 3. The book of Joshua Navina describes awakening in the prototypes. And the only problem that was described there in IIS. 13: 1: Jesus aged, entered the summer old, then the Lord told him: You've been together, entered the summer old, and there are still a lot of land in heritage. The problem was only that the field was too big to master it in one generation! But a little earlier in the book of numbers 14, the chapter is described how the previous generation was struck in the battle and could not take the land in possession because it was not thoughtful, how to live in a conquered field, and back, as was well in Egypt. And how do we think today? In this society, in this country, we really live like in the desert, people of this city do not know, do not understand why they should be in our church. But we know the Scripture and it tells us the mouths of the AP. Paul: Know that there is no harmnik, or an unclean, or an ignorant that has an idolatle does not have a heritage in the kingdom of Christ and God. EF. 5: 5. We need to see this society perishing, you need to learn how to think about yourself as well as the same apostle did: for Jews I was like a Jew to acquire Jews; For the subband was like a sub-banner to acquire subband; For an alien law - as an alien law, - not being alien to the law before God, but is confronted by Christ, - to acquire alien law; For the weakness was like a weaker to purchase a weaker. For everyone, I have become all to save at least some. 1 Cor. 9: 20-22. But I notice that when I put pressure on me, treat me as a sectarian, I'm trying to defend myself, as if hiding my faith, I am not up to the "field", I begin to think as a person living beyond the fence and only on his own plot. On Jesus, too, pressed, ap. Paul was also challenged, but both of them knew that the lot that gave them God did not agree to the smaller. Friends Awakening is the question of our faith, as we imagine that the lot that God gave us. Today, our shipyard is in fact within the fence of this building of the Church. And it is not bad, because at one time and in the Canaan, the ownership of Abraham was only one cave, where he buried Sarra. But the Lord spoke to us through her prophets and said that he wishes to do, wishes to produce something much more here. And so that our eyes see this larger we need to look at this city, where we live like on the field, on which the treasure is hidden and take God's condition: if we want to get this treasure, then we need to think about purchasing this field, and therefore be ready " Sell "everything else, i.e. Make a "field" priority number 1 in their lives. And here is my question to you: Do we see the treasure faith in the field? And if this field is just an earth or worse than the garbage? Of course we will not "lose themselves" for some piece of land! Therefore, we need to pray to see, consider the treasure, located on this field, for which it is not sorry for nothing. Once God appeared to AP. Paul and told him about the treasure, hidden in the city of Corinth: the Lord said in the vision at night, Paul: Do not be afraid, but say and do not be silent, for I am with you, and nict |