Знаютъ турки насъ и шведы
И про насъ извѣстенъ свѣтъ
На сраженья, на побѣды
Насъ всегда самъ Царь ведетъ.
C нами трудъ Онъ раздѣляетъ,
Передъ нами Онъ въ бояхъ,
Счастьемъ всякъ изъ насъ считаетъ
Умереть въ Его глазахъ.
Славны были наши дѣды
Помнятъ ихъ и шведъ, и ляхъ.
И парилъ орелъ побѣды
На полтавскихъ на поляхъ.
Знамя ихъ полка плѣняетъ
Русскій штыкъ нашъ боевой!
Онъ и намъ напоминаетъ,
Какъ ходили дѣды въ бой.
Святъ нашъ штыкъ четырехгранный
Голосъ чести не замолкъ.
Такъ пойдемъ впередъ мы славно
Грудью первый русскій полкъ!
Государямъ по присягѣ
Вѣрнымъ полкъ нашъ былъ всегда.
Въ полѣ брани не робѣя
Грудью служитъ онъ всегда.
Преображенцы удалые
Рады тѣшить мы Царя.
И потѣшные былые
Славны будутъ ввѣкъ!
Turks know us and Swedes
And about us, the holy light
For battles, for victories
The King always leads us.
He divides the work with us,
Before us He is in battle,
Happiness is all
Die in His eyes.
Our children were glorious
Remember them and Swede, and Lyakh.
And soared the eagle of victory
In the Poltava fields.
The banner of their regiment
Russian shtyk our fighting!
He and Nam remind
How did the kids go into battle.
Holy our bayonet tetrahedral
The voice of honor did not fall silent.
So let's go ahead we gloriously
Breast first Russian regiment!
Vѣrnym regiment nash was always.
In the field of battle, not timid
He always serves as a breast.
Preobrazhensky removed
We are glad to console the King.
And the old past
Glorious will be!