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  • Текст песни Тян из рок-группы - Про фентези

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    Тут находится текст песни Тян из рок-группы - Про фентези, а также перевод, видео и клип.

    On golden wings
    На золоченых крыльях
    She flies at night
    Она улетает в ночь
    With her dress
    В ее платье
    It's blinding white
    Ослепительно белеющим
    Countless diamonds
    Несчетными бриллиантами
    And her long blonde hair
    И ее длинный светлый волос
    The queen is coming
    Королева приходит
    So you better be aware
    Тебе лучше знать об этом
    Her plums and flowers
    Ее плоды и цветы
    They're never the same
    Всегда такие разные
    Blue and silver
    Голубой и серебрянный
    It's all her game
    Это всё - ее игра:
    Flying dragons
    Летающие драконы
    And enchanted woods
    Зачарованные леса
    She decides, she creates
    Она решает, она создает
    It's her reality
    Это ее реальность

    In her world of dreams and make believe
    В ее мире грез и фантазий
    She reigns forever
    Она правит вечно
    With all her glory
    Во славе своей

    Unicorns appear in her sight
    Единороги появляются в ее взгляде
    The fireflies lead her trough these woods at night
    Святлечки ведут ее через ночной лес

    In search of the legendary amulet
    В поисках легендарного амулета
    And it's secret
    И это тайна
    In the big oak there is a door
    В громадном дубе есть дверь
    Which will lead her
    Которая проводит ее
    To the wizard shore
    К волшебному брегу
    And she'll ask him
    И она просит его
    For the wind to sail her home
    О попутном ветре, который бы отнес ее к дому
    To the world where she belongs
    К миру, к которому она принадлежит

    In her world of dreams and make believe
    В ее мире снов и воображения
    She reigns forever
    Она правит вечно
    With all her glory
    Во всей своей славе
    In this world of endless fantasy
    В этом мире бесконечных фантазий
    She makes it happen
    Она позволяет этому свершиться
    It's her reality
    Это ее реальность

    On golden wings
    On the gilded wings
    She flies at night
    She flies away in the night
    With her dress
    In her dress
    It's blinding white
    Dazzlingly whitening
    Countless diamonds
    Countless diamonds
    And her long blonde hair
    And her long blonde hair
    The queen is coming
    The queen is coming
    So you better be aware
    You better know that
    Her plums and flowers
    Its fruits and flowers
    They're never the same
    Always so different
    Blue and silver
    Blue and silver
    It's all her game
    This is all her game:
    Flying dragons
    Flying dragons
    And enchanted woods
    Enchanted Forests
    She decides, she creates
    She decides, she creates
    It's her reality
    This is her reality

    In her world of dreams and make believe
    In her world of dreams and fantasies
    She reigns forever
    She rules forever
    With all her glory
    In his glory

    Unicorns appear in her sight
    Unicorns appear in her gaze
    The fireflies lead her trough these woods at night
    The little saints lead her through the night forest

    In search of the legendary amulet
    In search of the legendary amulet
    And it's secret
    And this is a mystery
    In the big oak there is a door
    There is a door in a huge oak
    Which will lead her
    Which holds her
    To the wizard shore
    To the magic breg
    And she'll ask him
    And she asks him
    For the wind to sail her home
    About a fair wind that would carry her to the house
    To the world where she belongs
    To the world to which she belongs

    In her world of dreams and make believe
    In her world of dreams and imagination
    She reigns forever
    She rules forever
    With all her glory
    In all its glory
    In this world of endless fantasy
    In this world of endless fantasies
    She makes it happen
    She lets it happen
    It's her reality
    This is her reality

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