Сел комарик на дубочек,
На зелененький листочек.
Ой, люли, люли, люли,
На зелененький листочек.
Он сидит и напевает,
Черных мушек забавляет.
Ой, люли, люли, люли,
Черных мушек забавляет.
Буря с неба налетела,
Грозным громом загремела,
Ой, с дубочка, ой, с листочка
Буря сдула комарочка.
Тут две мушки подлетали,
Комара под ручки брали.
Ой, люли, люли, люли,
Комара под ручки брали.
Комара под ручки брали,
В дом вели, в постельку клали.
Ой, люли, люли, люли,
В дом вели, в постельку клали.
A mosquito sat on an oak tree,
On a green leaf.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
On a green leaf.
He sits and hums
Black flies amused.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
Black flies are amused.
A storm came from the sky
It thundered with a terrible thunder,
Oh, from the oak, oh, from the leaf
The storm blew away the little mosquito.
Here two flies flew
They took the mosquito by the arms.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
They took the mosquito by the arms.
They took a mosquito by the hand,
They took them into the house, put them on the bed.
Oh, lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
They took them into the house, put them on the bed.