Въ дéнь предсуббóтный, внегдá насели́ся земля́, хвалá пѣ́сни Дави́ду.
Госпóдь воцари́ся, въ лѣ́поту облечéся: облечéся Госпóдь въ си́лу и препоя́сася: и́бо утверди́ вселéнную, я́же не подви́жится.
Готóвъ престóлъ твóй оттóлѣ: от вѣ́ка ты́ еси́.
Воздвигóша рѣ́ки, Гóсподи, воздвигóша рѣ́ки глáсы своя́:
вóзмутъ рѣ́ки сотрéнiя своя́, от гласóвъ вóдъ мнóгихъ. 5Ди́вны высоты́ морскíя: ди́венъ въ высóкихъ Госпóдь.
6Свидѣ́нiя твоя́ увѣ́ришася зѣлó.
Дóму твоемý подобáетъ святы́ня, Гóсподи, въ долготý днíй.
On a pre-Sabbath day, the land was always inhabited, praise be given to David.
The Lord reigned, put on a vestment: put on the Lord, put on strength and girdled: for he asserted the universe, he did not move.
To get your throne away: from the age you are.
Raising up the hands of the Lord, raising up the hands of your voice:
they will perceive their own hands, from the voice of many. 5Divnye heights of the sea: a day high above the Lord.
6 Your Evidence Evil.
A shrine will come to your mind, Lord, in the course of a long day.