Ала карга, диген,?й асыл кош
Им?н башларына ник кунды?,
Ник кунганы?ны ай белм?г?ч,
Якты д?ньяларга ник туды??..
Ала карга, диг?н,?й асыл кош,
Кунган ?ире? кайсы им?нд?,
Син башы? ис?? д? мин им?дем,
Башкаема х?ср?т килг?нд?.
Ала карга диг?н , ?й, асыл кош
Т??б? итте? м?лл? очмаска?
Т??б? итс?? д? син , мин итм?дем
Чиб?р-чиб?р кызлар кочмаска.
Take the crow, say, the house is a precious bird
Why did they land on their heads?
When the moon didn't know what it was,
Why were you born into the bright worlds? ..
The raven, that is, the home of the noble bird,
Kungan? Husband? which faith
Are you crazy is ?? d? i don't know
When I come to another place.
Ala crow, home, noble bird
The bottom? did it mull not to fly
The bottom? what ?? d? you said i didn't
Pretty girls don't move.