Нищая. А. Алябьев, П.Ж. Беранже. Zonophone. Кат. № X-63568 (Матр. № 3003L). Москва, 1905 г.
(Полный текстъ).
Либретто: Пьеръ-Жанъ де Беранже, музыка А. Алябьева,
переводъ Д. Ленскаго.
Зима, метель, и въ крупныхъ хлопьяхъ
При сильномъ вѣтрѣ снѣгъ валитъ.
У входа въ храмъ одна, въ лохмотьяхъ,
Старушка нищая стоитъ...
И милостыни ожидая,
Она все здѣсь съ клюкой своей,
И лѣтомъ, и зимой, босая...
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Сказать ли вамъ, старушка эта
Какъ двадцать лѣтъ тому жила!
Она была мечтой поэта,
И слава ей вѣнокъ плела.
Когда она на сценѣ пѣла,
Парижъ въ восторгѣ былъ отъ ней.
Она соперницъ не имѣла...
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Бывало, послѣ представленья
Ей отъ толпы проѣзда нѣтъ.
И молодежь отъ восхищенья
Гремѣла «браво» ей вослѣдъ.
Вельможи случая искали
Попасть въ число ея гостей;
Талантъ и умъ въ ней уважали.
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Въ то время торжества и счастья
У ней былъ домъ; не домъ — дворецъ.
И въ этомъ домѣ сладострастья
Томились тысячи сердецъ.
Какими пышными хвалами
Кадилъ ей кругъ ея гостей —
При счастьѣ всѣ дружатся съ нами;
При горѣ нѣту тѣхъ друзей...
Святая воля провидѣнья...
Артистка сдѣлалась больна,
Лишилась голоса и зрѣнья
И бродитъ по міру одна.
Бывало, бѣдный не боится
Прійти за милостыней къ ней,
Она жъ у васъ просить стыдится...
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Ахъ, кто съ такою добротою
Въ несчастьѣ ближнимъ помогалъ,
Какъ эта нищая съ клюкою,
Когда амуръ ее ласкалъ!
Она все въ жизни потеряла!
О! Чтобы въ старости своей
Она на промыслъ не роптала,
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Подайте Христа ради ей!
Beggar. A. Alyabyev, P. Zh. Beranger. Zonophone. Cat. No. X-63568 (Mat. No. 3003L). Moscow, 1905
(Full text).
Libretto: Pierre-Jean de Beranger, music by A. Alyabyev,
translated by D. Lenskago.
Winter, blizzard, and in large flakes
With strong vѣtrѣ snѣg knocks down.
At the entrance to the temple alone, in rags,
The old beggar woman stands ...
And waiting for alms
She is still here with her stick,
Both summer and winter, barefoot ...
Give Christ for her sake!
Give Christ for her sake!
Should I tell you, this old woman
How did she live for twenty years!
She was a poet's dream
And glory wove her.
When she was on the stage,
Paris was delighted with her.
She had no rivals ...
Give Christ for her sake!
Give Christ for her sake!
Sometimes, after a presentation
To her from the crowd of passage nѣt.
And the youth from admiration
Rumbled "bravo" to her.
The nobles were looking for a chance
To be among her guests;
Talent and intelligence were respected in her.
Give Christ for her sake!
Give Christ for her sake!
At that time of celebration and happiness
She had a house; not a house - a palace.
And in this house is voluptuousness
Thousands of hearts languished.
What lush praises
Kadil her circle of her guests -
With happiness, everyone is friends with us;
With gorѣ nѣtu tѣkh friends ...
The holy will of providence ...
The artist was sick,
Lost her voice and sight
And wandering around the world alone.
It used to be that the bad one is not afraid
Go for alms to her,
She's ashamed to ask you ...
Give Christ for her sake!
Give Christ for her sake!
Ah, who with such kindness
In unhappiness I helped my neighbors,
How does this beggar eat with a hook,
When Cupid caressed her!
She lost everything in her life!
ABOUT! So that in your old age
She did not grumble on the trade,
Give Christ for her sake!
Give Christ for her sake!