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  • Текст песни DeathKlok - Birthday

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    Тут находится текст песни DeathKlok - Birthday, а также перевод, видео и клип.

    Many years ago today
    Something grew inside of your mother
    That thing was YOU!
    You! You! You! You!
    Did she scream? Did she cry?
    Only those that are born are ones that get to die!
    One more year closer to dying
    Body, organs ripping, rotting,
    Biological Discordance
    Birthday equals self-abhorrance
    R.S.V.P. Please
    For the death of thee
    You have little time
    You're running out of life
    Happy... Birthday... You're gonna die!
    Die, Die! Deth Day!
    Birthday, Deth Day!
    Die Die! Deth (Deth) Day!
    Birthday, Deth (Deth) Day!
    Die-die, Deth-day
    Birth-day, Deth-day!

    В этот день, много лет назад
    что-то зародилось в чреве твоей матери
    Этим чем-то был ты
    ТЫ! ТЫ! ТЫ! ТЫ!
    Кричала ли она? Рыдала ли она?
    Только тем, кто родился, посчастливится сдохнуть
    На год ближе к финальной черте
    Тело гниет и разлагается
    На части распадается, день рожденья-
    Это отвращение к самому себе
    Поспеши занять местечко в аду
    Смерть уже стучится в двери
    У тебя осталось мало времени
    Жизнь ускользает из твоих рук
    С днем... Рожденья
    Ты скоро сдохнешь
    Сдохни! Сдохни! День!
    Умерщвление! День! Р0жденья! Сдохни! Сдохни! Сдохни!
    День умерщвления!

    Many years ago today
    Something grew inside of your mother
    That thing was YOU!
    You! You! You! You!
    Did she scream? Did she cry?
    Only those that are born are ones that get to die!
    One more year closer to dying
    Body, organs ripping, rotting,
    Biological discordance
    Birthday equals self-abhorrance
    R.S.V.P. Please
    For the death of thee
    You have little time
    You're running out of life
    Happy ... Birthday ... You're gonna die!
    Die, Die! Deth day!
    Birthday, Deth Day!
    Die Die! Deth (Deth) Day!
    Birthday, Deth (Deth) Day!
    Die-die, Deth-day
    Birth-day, Deth-day!

    On this day, many years ago
    something was born in your mother’s womb
    That something was you
    Did she scream? Did she sob?
    Only those born were lucky enough to die
    One year closer to the final line
    The body rots and decomposes
    Breaks apart, birthday-
    This self-loathing
    Hurry to take a place in hell
    Death is already knocking at the door
    You have little time left
    Life slips from your hands
    Happy Birthday
    You'll die soon
    Die! Die! Day!
    Killing! Day! Happy Birthday! Die! Die! Die!
    Killing Day!

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