- Эта мантра посвящена богине Таре.Любимая мантра Далай Ламы.
Далай-лама XIV, Тэнцзин Гьямцхо, является духовным лидером тибетского народа. Тибетские буддисты верят, что Далай-ламы являются воплощениями на земле Авалокитешвары (Чэнрэзиг-а), Бодхисаттвы
Сострадания; они рождаются здесь, чтобы служить людям. Признанный Далай-ламой Лхамо Тхондруб получил новое имя — Чжецун Чжампел Нгагванг Ешэ Тэнцзин Гьямцхо.
Чтение этой мантры очищает ауру, улучшает здоровье. Помогает исполнить заветные желания, обрести любовь, избавиться от страхов и сомнений..устраняет препятствия..
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were nita ya
Ocha kiniba nita ochun
Cheke cheke cheke
Nita ya
Ide were were
- This mantra is dedicated to the goddess Tare.Lyubimaya mantra of the Dalai Lama.
The Dalai Lama XIV, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. Tibetan Buddhists believe the Dalai Lama incarnations are in the land of Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig-a), the Bodhisattva
Compassion; they are born here to serve the people. Recognized as the Dalai Lama Lhamo Thondrub received a new name - Chzhetsun Chzhampel Tenzin Gyatso Ngagvang Eshe.
Reading this mantra purifies the aura improves health. It helps to fulfill the cherished desire to find love, fears and obstacles somneniy..ustranyaet ..
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were
Ide were were nita ochun
Ide were were nita ya
Ocha kiniba nita ochun
Cheke cheke cheke
Nita ya
Ide were were