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  • Текст песни Dio - The Magica Story

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    Тут находится текст песни Dio - The Magica Story, а также перевод, видео и клип.

    It has been a thousand years since the once powerful
    planet of Blessing lost its life-giving two suns, and
    countless millennia since the days of the great
    magicians. An expedition of alien voyagers came upon
    the now ice-covered sphere, drawn there by an
    unexplained lone beacon far below the miles of frozen
    moisture, they unlocked a written history of Blessing
    from its almost undiscovered tomb. So begins the story
    of Magica.

    It was a time of celebration. The Book of Magica and
    the wizards who had used its spells so wisely for the
    good of the people were being honored in all the great
    cities of the world. There was however an exception.
    Where good thrives, evil survives and evil has plans
    for survival.

    The celebration of thanks and prosperity would signal
    the forces of Evilsyde to begin the attack and
    ultimate capture and destruction of Magica. The spells
    from the Book would be used to turn all of those
    unwilling to join Evilsyde into statues of stone and
    send their spirits to Otherworld, where they would
    eventually be assimilated into the energy needed to
    drive Evilsyde, and maintain its power without the
    necessity of the Book and its incantations forever.

    Defenses were naturally relaxed during the festive
    preparations and although the battle was well-fought
    by both factions, the minions of the dark prevailed.
    Their assault was well-planned and executed to a
    fault. After overwhelming their initial opposition,
    they pushed on to the sacred ground upon which the
    Book of Magica rested. They possessed a much weaker
    form of magic themselves, and although it would be
    normally quite useless against the strength of Magica,
    the inability of the Wizards to gather themselves
    together in time, coupled with the perfect timing and
    determination of the attackers, spelled doom for the
    Book and its followers.

    The leader of the insurrection was the high priest and
    executioner known as Shadowcast. His presence could
    make the naughtiest of children become obedient and
    inspire great fear among the adult population. This
    man, most vile, would now be ruler of all and
    answerable to none. His reign would plunge Blessing
    into eternal darkness and prepare the way for the
    coming of his master, Astoroth, the Grand Duke of Hell.

    The capture of Magica did not, however, mean that
    Shadowcast had finally reached his goal. He must now
    find and conquer Blessing's Grand Wizard and legendary
    hero, Eriel. Eriel, who defeated Evilsyde time and
    again with his understanding and use of Magica's
    spells. He would be the last stumbling block of total

    Eriel had removed himself from the general population
    in anticipation of everlasting peace and now he
    devoted all of his energy to meditation and praise of
    his God. Lately though, he had been visited by many
    temptations in his dreams. Promises of pleasure,
    riches and power raced through his sleeping mind. All
    these lures had been placed there by Shadowcast,
    hoping to avoid confrontation between this dominant
    man and his own villainous forces. Eriel however had
    resisted these solicitations and was now warned of
    some impending danger. He managed to make his way to
    the sacred ground by cloaking his identity with simple
    spells, only to be discovered just before his attempt
    to rescue the Book of Magica, but not before he was
    able to memorize the most important of Magica's
    charms, The spell of Restoration.

    The ceremony of thanksgiving was now directed toward
    the transmission of spirits to Otherworld. One by one
    the good souls of Blessing were turned to stone and
    sent on to their grisly fate, until only the noble
    Eriel remained. The spectacle that followed was meant
    to degrade Eriel and raise the courage of the cowardly
    supplicants of Evilsyde, but true to his
    indominantable bearing, he promised to return and
    banish Evilsyde forever. Then he was gone.

    The horrors of Otherworld are now revealed to the
    masses huddled together for some small measure of
    comfort. First the adults were separated from their
    children amid cries and pleas for help. Next the old
    ones were taken away and assigned to a place very near
    the assimilation site. They were guarded by monstrous,
    misshapen denizens of this shrouded netherland, who
    constantly harangued the inmates with promises of pain
    and extermination. Intermittent bursts of flame shot
    up from jagged cracks in the ground, threatening to
    consume anyone in its path. Shrieks of torment could
    be heard piercing the murky atmosphere, further
    unnerving the petrified captives. Only one seemed
    unaffected by all the inflicted fear and turmoil.

    Eriel's strength and determination soon pacified the
    men and women with whom he was confined. When they all
    became more calm and subdued, he began to speak to
    them softly as an adult to his children. "Long ago you
    entrusted me to protect the Book of Magica and to be
    faithful to its special purpose. It must seem that I
    have failed you and condemned us all to oblivion, but
    fear not! This hell is only a test of your faith and
    resolve. The power of Magica did not vanish in fire.
    On the third day I will evoke the spell of
    Restoration. United we shall return to Blessing and,
    armed with the strength of Magica, we will be
    triumphant. Many will perish, but Magica and our souls
    cannot be restored until three days have passed. Take
    heart my friends. Victory awaits you."

    Even magic has its limitations and as Eriel explained
    to his flock, the spell could not be activated until a
    waiting period of at least three days. One third of
    the souls of Blessing would be melded into the
    Evilsyde collective before Eriel could be effective
    with the words of Restoration.

    The old ones were the first to go. Cries of
    encouragement and hope were shouted to the condemned
    as they trudged slowly to their fate. One by one they
    were thrown into the assimilation chamber where a
    blinding blue spark gave evidence of their demise.
    With each burst Eriel's heavy heart ached with guilt
    for his part in this slaughter of his charges. If only
    he had not become so complacent. He above
    all should never have let this tragedy transpire.

    In the compound holding the young adults, an
    insurrection of sorts was occurring. A boy of
    seventeen years called Challis was urging an uprising
    among his captured companions. Futile though it was,
    it earned Challis a place in the cell adjoining
    Eriel's. His rantings and ravings were soon quelled by
    Eriel's quiet urging and the two settled into serious
    conversation. Eriel knew his time of assimilation was
    near and only hoped it would not be scheduled before
    the three day waiting period for Restoration was
    ended. Shadowcast wanted to personally oversee Eriel's
    termination but couldn't abandon his duties on Blessing
    until all was secure.Would there be enough time?

    Eriel realized some of his own strong qualities in
    Challis and decided that this was an opportunity not
    to be lost. He instructed Challis to remove all anger
    from his mind and hate from his heart. Only the pure
    could receive and transmit this most important of
    spells. Convinced that this young man was ready, he
    joined with his spirit and gave him these words.
    "Sanasha Gorath Sollis Arcanna," Words that would
    resurrect the masses if delivered correctly and in time.

    Over two days had passed before Shadowcast was ready
    for travel to Otherworld to deliver Eriel to his fate.
    His journey through Otherworld was marked by what
    could pass for cheers, if they weren't shouted from
    the mouths of utterly inhuman shapes and forms. Upon
    his arrival he instructed the guards to take him
    straight to Eriel. Once there he announced with great
    satisfaction that he would personally supervise
    Eriel's execution in a matter of hours. Nearby,
    Challis loudly voiced his objection to this treatment
    of his newly met hero and was rewarded by kicks and
    punches until he could no longer speak. Eriel's heart
    sank. Had he misjudged Challis and entrusted his
    people's future to a reckless youth? Eriel's mind
    wandered to his own younger days. He too had been
    restless and foolhardy, but in time had outgrown these
    traits and become the adored leader of Blessing. He
    wondered if Challis had yet experienced love. Eriel
    himself had turned his back on the beautiful and
    innocent Annica. She was his intended from birth, but
    he couldn't let love for this saintly child cloud his
    duties to Blessing and the Book.

    One hour remained in the wait for Restoration. Eriel's
    hopes were soaring. Surely Shadowcast would fail once
    again. But as that thought surfaced, so did Evilsyde's
    dark leader. Eriel was led away with head held high,
    but as he passed Challis he gave just the slightest
    nod. A gesture that wasn't lost on the youth. Eriel
    was then taken to the assimilation chamber and
    strapped to the cross-like structure in the middle of
    the room. Seconds were all that stood in the way of
    resurrection or destruction. Shadowcast walked to
    Eriel, presumably to gloat one last time to his old
    nemesis. Eriel welcomed the time that would be wasted,
    but at the last moment Shadowcast seemed to reconsider
    and rai

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