Walk on and leave the well-known faces
Don´t ask! Erase the black-white past
Move on and find the secret places
Maybe they´re a home for you at last
Cold kiss that seems to be solution
Stand back and try to look behind
Sweet words that bring you sweet confusion
Watch out! There´s nothing you will find.
The sky is wide open
To search for the rainbow´s end
Use your wings and fly now
To where you have been sent
By a magic hand
Прохожу мимо и оставляю знакомые лица
Не спрашивай! Сотри чёрно-белое прошлое
Иди дальше и найди секретные места
Возможно, они, наконец, станут твоим домом
Холодный поцелуй, который, кажется, будет решением
Шагни назад и попытайся оглянуться
Ласковые слова, заставляют тебя краснеть от смущения
Будь осторожна! Ты ничего не найдёшь.
Небо широко открыто
Для поисков конца радуги
Теперь используй свои крылья и лети
Туда, куда тебя послали
Волшебной рукой
Walk on and leave the well-known faces
Don´t ask! Erase the black-white past
Move on and find the secret places
Maybe they´re a home for you at last
Cold kiss that seems to be solution
Stand back and try to look behind
Sweet words that bring you sweet confusion
Watch out! There´s nothing you will find.
The sky is wide open
To search for the rainbow´s end
Use your wings and fly now
To where you have been sent
By a magic hand
I walk by and leave familiar faces
Do not ask! Erase the black and white past
Go ahead and find secret places
Maybe they'll finally become your home
A cold kiss that seems to be the solution
Step back and try to look back
Affectionate words make you blush with embarrassment
Be careful! You won't find anything.
The sky is wide open
To find the end of the rainbow
Now use your wings and fly
Where you were sent
With a magic hand