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  • Текст песни KA - Antisocial Butterfly

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    Тут находится текст песни KA - Antisocial Butterfly, а также перевод, видео и клип.

    It's like the yin & yang, its like the jinn that try to make me do bad things
    I gotta look up to the Faith in me, looking in the mirror that's the face I see

    War war war war, war war war war craft aay
    War war war war, war war war war
    War war war war, war war war war path aay
    War war war war, war war war war

    At war with myself, war with myself, inner dilemmas put me odds with everybody else
    Do this or...
    We gone have a problem like I Muhammad Ali & you Sonny Liston, have you lisping
    Hey, you the only one, only one, the only one
    Ever truly listening

    This here sound, Donyeal C. Brown, playing Sunday morning at the intermission or the benediction
    Yeah God can be a mother but that mother moves
    Yeah I said that & the big Yadda surely moves you

    How I know how one part may sound but might not know how the rest of the tune go
    That's that puzzle you make so complicated so I can simplify my soul
    Make me whole, make me whole again
    Feel my soul, don't fill my soul with sin

    Sick, I've done alot
    Sick, I've shit the diap
    Well, I shit the pot
    Well, I use my wipes
    Angels love my locs, Demons wipe me down
    Gods give me my props, Devils swipe left with frown
    Slithery as a snake also I get Shiesty know my lil Pooh bear so gutta she crawled out the mud with crowns
    Arose afraid to give her crayons cause she tryn eat
    Derricks everything in site she'll rip the shoes straight off your feet
    She's every part of me that will never accept defeat
    She's every part of me that ground dirt walls in Easton cleats
    She got a new lil sister who she is very eager to teach
    1st lesson gone be how to burn out each creep that will leach
    Hella protective over her sissy yes we already can see
    If a nigga ever do them wrong I'll unlock him nose like Dave East with a key
    If a nigga ever do them wrong I'll body eem like J. Cole did that Who Dat beat

    I used to have a lil plug making extra off a lil weed til he start playing round with my Q's & my P's
    Had to step away from that, won't go into too much detail but some racial blurb was the last words he ever said to me
    Moral of that short veered off mirror story is watch the company you keep
    Everyone that greets you with a smile & handshake ain't always balancing their own individual inner G
    Evil & Good friendly every breakfast but at the dinner date swear to be forever enemies

    Lunchin on my fears til I can't eat no more
    Gluttonous for punishment think the Christians call that the Babylonian whore
    Whole Earth built with ctrl so we never know what's in store
    Unless we read the targeted Target advertisement brochure
    Get the point
    Get my jist
    Bomb.com we just Wish Wish Wish
    They just watch & listen to all interactions
    Then time seal our deaths with a kiss
    Get high until we die lifes a bitch

    Powered that's no M no Lithiu
    Watch out for the maze, demons may Lilith you
    In the belly of the beast
    Open up the dragon mouth
    Worlds gone finish you
    On the Earth disposing of the Genius & prop up the court jester or the fool

    Thoughts become action
    Action breeds habit
    Hoping your fasting okay your fasting
    Hoping your fasting okay your fasting
    Guess what my nigga?
    Now you the food

    Get away get away get away from me , this mirror war got Sunday feels
    Hey brother reverend check the reference
    That way you know Saturdays the 7th
    & on Sunday you take all your own one ways on the stairway to heaven
    This my church vibe, no such thing as a social butterfly
    Now you see me, now you don't
    Though you try to catch me, hope you know you won't

    Up to my old ways & Ka ain't talking bad things
    No no sad tings, hear thee from mad range
    Even the sums I don't feel odd, I usually blank out black or white & take on rad change
    Energy Exchange on the soul train
    Nobody can ever say I conflicted or complained
    Before, during, or even after the cash came

    Said unhh gaahdamn
    Send me more oxygen if you can
    My wife is purity
    Yea we Lady & the Tramp
    My own blood wanna see my demise worse than Uncle Sam
    I ignore the contact if I don't want it send that there to spam
    Jump out my face like Meek Future
    Your futures bleak
    No Memphis, we getting jiggy as a Big Rocky L
    Jigga biggity bam
    The old heads hear my record & say, "yea this my jam"

    I been doing this since Bob Marley was in diapers
    You had no idea I walked this Earth before because you're an aggressive typo
    These gifts are great but greatness takes full on dedication & undivided nature for all you regressive typers

    At war with myself, war with myself, inner dilemmas put me odds with everybody else
    Do this or...
    We gone have a problem like I Muhammad Ali & you Sonny Liston, have you lisping
    Hey, you the only one, only one, the only one
    Ever truly listening

    This here sound, Donyeal C. Brown, playing Sunday morning at the intermission or the benediction
    Yeah God can be a mother but that mother moves
    Yeah I said that & the big Yadda surely moves you

    How I know how one part may sound but might not know how the rest of the tune go
    That's that puzzle you make so complicated so I can simplify my soul
    Make me whole, make me whole again

    Да, мы, леди и бродяга
    Моя собственная кровь хочу увидеть мою кончину хуже, чем дядя Сэм
    Я игнорирую контакт, если не хочу, чтобы он отправил его там в спам
    Выпрыгнуть мое лицо, как кропотливое будущее
    Ваше будущее безрадостно
    Нет Мемфиса, мы получаем Джигги как большой скалистый
    Jigga Biggity Bam
    Старые головы слышат мою запись и говорят: «Да, это мое варенье»

    Я делал это с тех пор, как Боб Марли был в подгузниках
    Вы понятия не имели, что я ходил по этой земле раньше, потому что вы агрессивная опечатка
    Эти подарки велики, но величие в полной мере занимает посвящение и неразделенную природу для всех, что вы регрессивные цифры

    В войне с собой, война с собой, внутренние дилеммы ставят меня в шансы со всеми остальными
    Сделайте это или ...
    У нас пошли проблема, как у меня Мухаммед Али и ты Сонни Листон, ты лисипинг
    Эй, ты единственный, только один, единственный
    Когда -либо действительно слушал

    Это звук здесь, Donyeal C. Brown, играя в воскресенье утром на перерыве или благословении
    Да, Бог может быть матерью, но эта мать движется
    Да, я сказал это и большая ядда, безусловно, перемещает тебя

    Откуда я знаю, как может звучать одна часть, но может не знать, как идут остальная часть мелодии
    Это та загадку, которую вы сталкиваете настолько сложной, чтобы я мог упростить свою душу
    Сделай меня целым, сделай меня снова

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