Those jerks haves left me behind,
whys they forget about me?
I'm insignificants, I'm seconds-class in my owns band,
I'm sick of this! I won'ts take it no more!
It's gotta change! (3X)
I's Gonna start a clubs today,
Gonna do things my owns way,
Gonna finds the ones I likes,
Gonna makes a list tonights,
And we'll dress just likes the gods,
Trims our mustaches in squads,
With loves...
I'll build a clubs,
With loves... with loves...
Козлы,забыть меня вновь
И оставлять одного
Я не значительный,я второсортный в своя группа
Мне надоесть и я не будет терпеть,
Я показать им,показать им,показать им!
Сегодня клуб откроет я,где будут все мои друзья
И список я сейчас создам,как хочет я все будет там
Как бог оденется все мы и подровняет мы усы
С любооовь,откроет клуб я с любоовь,с любооовь
Those Jerks Haveses Left Me Behind
Whats the Forget About Me?
I'm Insignificants, I'm Seconds-Class in My Owns Band,
I'm Sick of this! I WON'TS TAKE IT NO MORE!
IT's Gotta Change! (3x)
I's Gonna Start A Clubs Today,
Gonna do Things My Owns Way,
Gonna Finds The Ones I Likes,
Gonna Makes a List Tonights,
And WE'LL Dress Just Likes The Gods,
With Loves ...
I'll Build A Clubs,
With Loves ... With loves ...
Goats, forget me again
And leave one
I am not significant, I am a second-class in my own group
I get bored and I will not endure
I show them, show them, show them!
Today the club will open, where all my friends will be
And I'll create a list now how I want everything will be there
How God will dress all we and focusing we mustache
With LOOKING, I will open the club I with love, with anyone