When last I spoke to Carol I said:
"I can't pretend it gets easier."
she said:
"I've hung on, I have edged around this narrow ledge since the day I was born in 1975."
When last I spoke to Carol I said:
"I can't pretend I feel love for you."
she said:
"I've hammered a smile across this pasty face of mine since the day I was born in 1975."
When I said goodbye to Carol
black earth upon the casket fell
she had faded to
something I always knew
to the rescue
nobody ever comes.
Когда я в последний раз
говорил с Кэрол, я сказал:
"Я не могу притворятся, что становится легче"
Она ответила:
"Я вишу на краю узкого карниза, я держусь
с тех пор как родилась в тыща девятьсот семьдесят пятом году"
Когда я в последний раз
говорил с Кэрол, я сказал:
"Я не могу притворяться,
что до сих пор люблю тебя"
Она ответила:
"Я выковала себе улыбку, она чеканна, блядь, как печать
поперек всех этих не лиц, а, блядь, глины -
с тех пор как родилась в тыща девятьсот семьдесят пятом году"
Когда я сказал Кэрол: "Прощай",
чернозем шмякнулся о крышку гроба -
уходя, она сказала мне то,
что я знал давным-давно:
"Помощь не придет
When last I spoke to Carol I said:
"I can't pretend it gets easier."
she said:
"I've hung on, I have edged around this narrow ledge since the day I was born in 1975 . "
When last I spoke to Carol I said:
"I can't pretend I feel love for you."
she said:
"I've hammered a smile across this pasty face of mine since the day I was born in 1975 . "
When I said goodbye to Carol
black earth upon the casket fell
she had faded to
something I always knew
to the rescue
nobody ever comes.
When I last
spoke to Carol I said :
"I can not pretend that it becomes easier "
She replied:
" I hang on the edge of a narrow ledge , I hold
since born in tyscha nine hundred and seventy -fifth year "
When I last
spoke to Carol I said :
"I can not pretend
that still love you "
She replied:
"I forge a smile, she minted whore as printing
across all of these entities are not , but damn , clay -
since born in tyscha nine hundred and seventy -fifth year "
When I told Carol , " Goodbye "
chernozem shmyaknulsya on the coffin -
leaving, she told me that
I knew a long time ago :
" Help is not coming
never - never
ALL " .