Long weary sail to an end has come
Sunset is near and he’s all alone
Right by the door of your lovely home
Right now he’s hoping for so much more
This is the day you’ve been waiting for
Waiting by the shore
Утомительное плавание пришло к концу.
Закат близко, и он совсем один,
прямо у двери вашего прекрасного дома.
Прямо сейчас он надеется на большее.
Это - день, которого Вы ждали
ожидая на берегу
Небо полное звезд
Long Weary Sail to An End Has Come
Sunset IS Near and He's All Alone
Right By The Door of Your Lovely Home
Right Now He's Hoping for So Much More
This Is The Day You've Been Waiting For
Waiting by The Shore
Tedious swimming has come to an end.
Sunset close and he is very alone
Right at the door of your beautiful home.
Right now he hopes for more.
This is the day you waited
Waiting for the bank
Sky full of stars