触れてても 冷たい指先
凍り付いた 月に照らされて
一瞬の彼方で 煌めいた想いが
愛なら 幻にしてみせて
放つ光 空に堕ちる
望むだけの 熱を捧げて
死に逝く星の 生んだ炎が
最期の夢に 灼かれているよ
降り積もる 罪は優しさに
刺は微笑に 変えてゆけるなら
祈りの儚さが 求める切なさが
二人の 出逢った時代(とき)を揺らす
嘆き 光 波にのまれ
痛みの中 君は目醒めて
傷つけながら 出来る絆が
孤独を今 描き始める
注ぐ生命 刻む羽根で
君よどうか 僕を包んで
光はまた 空に堕ちる
望むだけの 熱を捧げて
崩れ落ちゆく 過ちの果て
最期の夢を 見続けてるよ
Cold fingertips even if you touch it
Illuminated by the frozen moon
A cracked heart
I have a burning night
Glittering feelings beyond the moment
If it's love, make it a phantom
The light that shines falls into the sky
Dedicate as much heat as you want
The flames of the dying star
I'm burned by my last dream
The sin that accumulates is kindness
If you can turn the stab into a smile
Of the flowers on the verge of falling
Similar to an unreachable cry
The ephemeral nature of prayer
Shake the time when the two met
Lamentation, rare in the waves
In pain, you wake up
A bond that can be made while hurt
Start drawing loneliness now
Pouring life with chopping feathers
Please wrap me around you
Light falls into the sky again
Dedicate as much heat as you want
The end of the mistake that collapses
I keep dreaming of my last dream