Выживая в неопределенности,
Танец, неуклюжий танец
Поранил палец, но не больно
Dreamy dance
Разгребая мусорный хаос
Поцелуй бесстыдный поцелуй.
Вываливающийся бред, вот так.
Waiting for the one love
В нетерпеливом ожидании
Waiting at the busstop
I still want you
I still want you
Не способных осознавать обезьян
Пропускать, пока не умру, пропускать.
Окруженный, уже не пою.
Waiting for the one love
В нетерпеливом ожидании
Waiting at the busstop
I still want you
I still want you
Выживая в неопределенности,
Танец, неуклюжий танец
Без стыда
Хочу делать так.
Waiting for the one love
В нетерпеливом ожидании
Waiting at the busstop
I still want you
I still want you
Waiting for the one love
Не сдаваясь
Waiting at the busstop
I still want you
I still want you
Surviving uncertainty
Dance, clumsy dance
Hit a finger, but it doesn't hurt
Dreamy dance
Raking through the garbage chaos
Kiss a shameless kiss.
Falling out nonsense, like that.
Waiting for the one love
Eagerly awaiting
Waiting at the busstop
I still want you
I still want you
Not able to recognize monkeys
Skip until I die, skip.
Surrounded, I do not sing.
Waiting for the one love
Eagerly awaiting
Waiting at the busstop
I still want you
I still want you
Surviving uncertainty
Dance, clumsy dance
Without shame
I want to do so.
Waiting for the one love
Eagerly awaiting
Waiting at the busstop
I still want you
I still want you
Waiting for the one love
Not giving up
Waiting at the busstop
I still want you
I still want you