Өзəңҗеним, өзəң мениң,
Сөйгү – һаятим.
Вападарим, ярим мениң,
Сунмас қанатим.
Жүригимни көйдүргəн,
Гүлханим мениң.
Ишəш теғим, қуяшим сəн,
Виҗданим мениң.
Сəн вападарим өзəңҗеним,
Мəңгү сөйгəн сəн ярим.
5Амриғимсəн, шатлиғим мениң,
Өзəң көклəм, баһарим.
Деңизлар долқуни сəн,
Тəвреткəн дилни.
Дəриялар шавқуни сəн
Тəвəткəн мени.
Гүл қойниға алған мени,
Җаһаним мениң.
Сəн оқ өтмəс, сəн тил тəгмəс
Тумарим мениң.
My cousin, my cousin,
Love is my life.
My faithful, my half,
My unbreakable wings.
That burned my heart,
My flower is mine.
I'm working, you're the sun,
My conscience is mine.
You are my faithful brother,
I love you forever
5You are my love, my joy is mine,
Yours sincerely, Spring.
You are the waves of the sea,
Shaken tongue.
You are the noise of rivers
The one who broke me.
The one who took me to the flower bed,
My world is mine.
You will not be shot, you will not be shot
My list is mine.