По орбіті у замкнутім колі, без нагоди стишити біг,
Ми зіграли із нею на виліт – несподівано я переміг.
І почався відлік з нуля, відкривались нові світи,
Життєдайні пил і вода стирали мої сліди.
Sink into the love stream, under water shroud,
Drawing closer to the spring, down to the first drop, down to the first drop,
I’m gonna gonna ride, run after you, you won’t stop me.
За тобою бігтиму, просто за тобою, мене не спиниш.
In orbit in a closed circle, without the need to slow down running,
We played with her on the flight - I suddenly won.
And the countdown started from scratch, new worlds opened,
Life-giving dust and water erased my tracks.
Sink into the love stream, under the water shroud,
Drawing closer to the spring, down to the first drop, down to the first drop,
When going to go, run after you, you stop me.
I'll run after you, just behind you, you won't stop me.