Кому ещё нравится эта чудесная песня?! =)
По-моему, просто прелестно:
За лесами, за горами горы да леса,
А за теми за лесами лес да гора,
А за тою за горою горы да леса,
А за теми за лесами трын да трава.
Там луга заповедным диким лесом поросли,
И древа в том лесу стоеросовые,
На них шишки простые, не кокосовые.
Who else likes this wonderful song ?! =)
In my opinion, it's just adorable:
Behind the forests, beyond the mountains, mountains and forests,
And behind those behind the forests there is a forest and a mountain,
And beyond that, beyond the mountain, mountains and forests,
And beyond those beyond the woods there is tryn and grass.
There the meadows are overgrown with a reserved wild forest,
And the trees in that forest are one-rose,
On them the cones are simple, not coconut.