"Yeah, I'm looking west, always been looking that way! I'm gonna get it all happening! Just can't do it today ... Yeah, I'm looking west, always been looking that way! I'm gonna be somebody ... I just can't be her today!"
"Да, я смотрю на запад, куда всегда был устремлён мой взгляд! Когда-нибудь я туда соберусь. Но точно не сегодня... Да, я смотрю на запад, куда всегда был устремлён мой взгляд! Когда-нибудь я стану кем-то важной. Но точно не сегодня."
"Yeah, I'm looking west, always been looking that way! I'm gonna get it all happening! Just can't do it today ... Yeah, I'm looking west, always been looking that way! I ' m gonna be somebody ... I just can't be her today! "
"Yes, I look to the west, where my gaze has always been fixed! Someday I will gather there. But certainly not today ... Yes, I look to the west, where my gaze has always been directed! Someday I will become something important. But certainly not today. "