Гей, були, були на селі,
Гей, були, були у Вороньках.
Гей, були, були на селі.
Гей були, були у Вороньках,
Правили храм.
Гей, були, були на селі,
Гей, були, були у Вороньках,
Правили храм, гуляли в дворі.
Їхали підводой
До дядька Івана,
У дворі сідали
Довгими рядками.
Сідали у мотоцикли,
Ганяли за горілкой,
Пили на сіновалі,
Травили анекдоти.
Були-ли на ставку,
Ловили коропів,
Зозуля кувала,
Рахувала тричі
Клали гілля в хаті,
Різали утята,
Рвали поросяті.
Гей, були, були на селі.
Hey, they were, they were in the country,
Hey, they were, they were in Voronok.
Hey, they were, they were in the country.
Hey, they were in Voronky,
They built a temple.
Hey, they were, they were in the country,
Hey, they were, they were in Voronok,
They ruled the temple, walked in the yard.
We rode underwater
To Uncle Ivan,
They sat in the yard
Long lines.
They were on motorcycles,
Chasing after vodka,
They drank in the hay,
Were you on the bet,
Catching carp,
Cuckoo forged,
She counted three times
One or two or three.
They put branches in the house,
Cut the ducklings,
Ragged pigs.
Hey, they were, they were in the country.