Великое русское слово.
(сл. Николая Рачкова).
То нѣжно звучитъ, то сурово
Высокое русское слово.
Оно, какъ державная слава,
Сіяло въ устахъ Ярослава.
Его возносилъ, какъ молитву,
Суворовъ, стремившійся въ битву,
И Пушкинъ, въ волненіи строгомъ,
Держалъ, какъ свѣчу передъ Богомъ.
Храните и въ счастьѣ, и въ горѣ,
На сушѣ его и на морѣ, –
Не будетъ наслѣдства другого,
Главнѣе, чѣмъ русское слово!
Great Russian word.
(lyrics by Nikolai Rachkov).
Sounds tough, sometimes harsh
High Russian word.
It is like a sovereign glory,
Sіyalo in the mouth of Yaroslav.
He was lifted up like a prayer,
Suvorov, striving for battle,
And Pushkin, in the strict excitement,
I kept as a candle before God.
Keep both happiness and mountain
On his land and on the sea, -
There will be no inheritance of another
Most importantly, what is the Russian word!