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  • Текст песни Чудо - ОЙБАЙ

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    Тут находится текст песни Чудо - ОЙБАЙ, а также перевод, видео и клип.

    А, е-е
    Двадцать три, двадцать три
    Қой ей, ойбай, ойбай, о-о-ойбай
    One shot, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    Молодой залетает
    Танцпол замирает
    Ah ah, don't stop, don't stop, ah ah
    Қой ей, ойбай, ойбай, о-о-ойбай
    One shot, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    Молодой залетает
    Танцпол замирает
    Ah ah, don't stop, don't stop, ah ah
    Собрались девки и пацы
    Мы будем зажигать и
    На стиле мои братцы
    А ты на тормозах, е
    Устроим яркий party
    Чудо покажет грязи
    Ты меня не узнаешь
    Чё там, давай, на связи
    Жалғыз шайқаймын бәрін
    Енді don't stop the party
    Тербел тоқтатпай бәрің
    Менімен бірге your body
    Для меня сцена сафари
    Тут мои ягуары
    Сердце сильно в ударе
    Умею как мадара
    Көрейін бастап
    Терле, терле, кап, кап
    Жёсткий джерси клаб, клаб
    Керек ол, керек ол, рас па?
    Кеттік, бәрін таста
    Тербел-тербел, қашпа
    Ну и твоя башка
    Разлетится как-то
    Қой ей, ойбай, ойбай, о-о-ойбай
    One shot, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    Молодой залетает
    Танцпол замирает
    Ah ah, don't stop, don't stop, ah ah
    Қой ей, ойбай, ойбай, о-о-ойбай
    One shot, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    Молодой залетает
    Танцпол замирает
    Ah ah, don't stop, don't stop, ah ah
    Pull, pull, pull, pull
    Pull, pull, pull, pull
    Pull, pull, pull, pull
    Pull, pull, pull, pull
    Pull, pull, pull, pull
    Pull, pull, pull, pull
    Pull, pull, pull, pull
    Pull, pull, pull

    Ah, e-e
    Twenty -three, twenty -three
    Qoy to her, oybay, oybai, oh-o-ohbai
    One Shot, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    The young flies
    The dance is breaking
    AH AH, DON'T Stop, Donmet Stop, AH AH
    Qoy to her, oybay, oybai, oh-o-ohbai
    One Shot, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    The young flies
    The dance is breaking
    AH AH, DON'T Stop, Donmet Stop, AH AH
    Girls gathered
    We will light up and
    On the style my brothers
    And you are on the brakes, e
    Let's arrange a bright Party
    A miracle will show dirt
    You won't recognize me
    What, come on there, in touch
    Pusyz Shaiyymymyn Bәrin
    Endi don Stop the Party
    Terbel toktpai bәrіn
    Menimen Birge Your Body
    For me, the Safari scene
    Here are my jaguars
    The heart is strong in the blow
    I can like Madara
    Kөrein Bastap
    Terle, Terle, Cap, Cap
    Tough Jersey Club, Club
    Kerek Ol, Kerek Ol, races PA?
    Kettik, bәrin tast
    Well, your head
    It will fly somehow
    Qoy to her, oybay, oybai, oh-o-ohbai
    One Shot, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    The young flies
    The dance is breaking
    AH AH, DON'T Stop, Donmet Stop, AH AH
    Qoy to her, oybay, oybai, oh-o-ohbai
    One Shot, bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
    The young flies
    The dance is breaking
    AH AH, DON'T Stop, Donmet Stop, AH AH
    Pull, Pull, Pull, Pull
    Pull, Pull, Pull, Pull
    Pull, Pull, Pull, Pull
    Pull, Pull, Pull, Pull
    Pull, Pull, Pull, Pull
    Pull, Pull, Pull, Pull
    Pull, Pull, Pull, Pull
    Pull, Pull, Pull

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