Мы едем, едем, едем,
Едем прямо в ад.
И прямо верх тормашками,
На дно овражка БАМ!
Сошли с дорожки мы,
И разбились в хлам.
Въедем в кого сзади,
Станет больше нас.
И дружною компанию,
Мы двинем во тот час
Мы едем, едем, едем,
Едем прямо в ад.
We are going, going, going,
We go directly to hell.
And right the top with trowels,
At the bottom of the ravine bam!
We got off the track, we
And crashed into the trash.
Let's go to whom,
It will become more than us.
And a friendly company,
We will move in that hour
We are going, going, going,
We go directly to hell.