| Текст песни IAMX - Great Shipwreck Of Life Просмотров: 6 0 чел. считают текст песни верным 0 чел. считают текст песни неверным Тут находится текст песни IAMX - Great Shipwreck Of Life, а также перевод, видео и клип. Мы можем дать тебе понять, We can make you understand Мы можем дать тебе понять,
Play with me, Поиграй со мной, You can make the love and I'll make the money, Ты будешь любить, а я буду зарабатывать. Stay with me, Останься со мной, Shut out the world, live underneath the city. Закройся от мира, живи в катакомбах города.
Release cold gender bombs, Сбрось недействующие гендерные бомбы On colonial closet middle England. На закрытую среднюю Англию колониальной эпохи.
Stay with me. Останься со мной. I'll be Peter Pan and you just be pretty. Я буду Питером Пеном, а - ты просто красоткой.
To the brave and the petrified, Перед смелыми и трусливыми, We all fall down. Мы все падаем ниц. To the slaves and the civilised, Перед рабами и просвещёнными, We all fall down. Мы все падаем ниц. To the lovers we left behind. Перед возлюбленными, которых мы бросили The bad days, the good nights. После неудачных дней и приятных ночей In the great shipwreck of life, В великом кораблекрушении жизни, We all fall down. Мы все падаем ниц.
Born, we are, between the hard black rock С рождения мы между могильной плитой And the cold of the immortal, И законами бессмертия, Torn from cause from the flames of the brave, Разрываемся между тем, что горячит смелых, And the bosom we can't return to. И лоном, куда нам пути уже нет.
We light up the bars of the world Поджигаем мировые устои With the decadent distance of innocence, oh! Вместе с декадентской сдержанностью невинности, o!
Free, but sharp, Свободные, но резкие, We could be the centreline guiding through the dark, oh! Мы могли бы безопасно 1 провести тебя через тьму, о!
To the brave and the petrified, Перед смелыми и трусливыми, We all fall down. Мы все падаем ниц. To the slaves and the civilised, Перед рабами и просвещёнными, We all fall down. Мы все падаем ниц. To the lovers we left behind. Перед возлюбленными, которых мы бросили The bad days, the good nights. После неудачных дней и приятных ночей In the great shipwreck of life, В великом кораблекрушении жизни, We all fall down. Мы все падаем ниц.
Manifesto, black fire. Во имя Манифеста и черного пламени. We can make you understand. Мы сможем дать тебе понять. Of liberty and bright light, Во имя свободы и яркого света, We could make you understand, Мы бы помогли тебе понять, We could make you understand, Мы бы помогли тебе понять We could make you understand! Мы бы помогли тебе понять!
To the brave and the petrified, Перед смелыми и трусливыми, We all fall down. Мы все падаем ниц. To the slaves and the civilised, Перед рабами и просвещёнными, We all fall down. Мы все падаем ниц. To the lovers we left behind. Перед возлюбленными, которых мы бросили The bad days, the good nights. После неудачных дней и приятных ночей In the great shipwreck of life, В великом кораблекрушении жизни, We all fall down. Мы все падаем ниц.
We can make you understand, Мы можем дать тебе понять, We can make you understand... Мы можем дать тебе понять...
We can let you know We can make you understand We can let you know
Play with me, Play with me, You can make the love and I'll make the money, You will love, and I will earn. Stay with me, Stay with me, Shut out the world, live underneath the city. Hide from the world, live in the catacombs of the city.
Release cold gender bombs, Drop the inoperative gender bombs On colonial closet middle England. To the closed middle England of the colonial era.
Stay with me. Stay with me. I'll be Peter Pan and you just be pretty. I'll be Peter Pan, and - you're just a beauty.
To the brave and the petrified, Before the brave and cowardly We all fall down. We all fall down. To the slaves and the civilized, Before the slaves and the enlightened We all fall down. We all fall down. To the lovers we left behind. In front of the lovers we have abandoned The bad days, the good nights. After bad days and pleasant nights In the great shipwreck of life, In the great shipwreck of life We all fall down. We all fall down.
Born, we are, between the hard black rock From birth we are between the tombstone And the cold of the immortal, And the laws of immortality Torn from cause from the flames of the brave, We are torn between what is hot for the brave And the bosom we can't return to. And bosom, where we no longer have a way.
We light up the bars of the world Setting fire to the world's foundations With the decadent distance of innocence, oh! Coupled with the decadent restraint of innocence, o!
Free, but sharp, Free but harsh We could be the centerline guiding through the dark, oh! We could guide you safely through the darkness, oh!
To the brave and the petrified, Before the brave and cowardly We all fall down. We all fall down. To the slaves and the civilized, Before the slaves and the enlightened We all fall down. We all fall down. To the lovers we left behind. In front of the lovers we have abandoned The bad days, the good nights. After bad days and pleasant nights In the great shipwreck of life, In the great shipwreck of life We all fall down. We all fall down.
Manifesto, black fire. In the name of the Manifesto and the black flame. We can make you understand. We can make you understand. Of liberty and bright light, In the name of freedom and bright light We could make you understand, We would help you understand We could make you understand, We would help you understand We could make you understand! We would help you understand!
To the brave and the petrified, Before the brave and cowardly We all fall down. We all fall down. To the slaves and the civilized, Before the slaves and the enlightened We all fall down. We all fall down. To the lovers we left behind. In front of the lovers we have abandoned The bad days, the good nights. After bad days and pleasant nights In the great shipwreck of life, In the great shipwreck of life We all fall down. We all fall down.
We can make you understand, We can let you know We can make you understand ... We can let you know ... Опрос: Верный ли текст песни? ДаНет Вконтакте Facebook Мой мир Одноклассники Google+ | |