عندما مر النسيم و لاعب شعري غاروا و فاروا
غاروا وفاروا علي وثاروا عليك
فماذا صنعت لهم يا ابي
انا يوسف يا ابي
يا ابي اخوتي لا يحبونني
لا يريدونني بينهم
اه يا ابي
يعتدون علي
و يرمونني بالحصى و الكلام
يريدونني ان اموت لكي يمدحوني
وهم اقفلوا باب بيتك دوني
وهم طردوني من الحقل
وهم سمموا عنبي يا ابي يا ابي يا ابي
انا يوسف يا ابي
انا يوسف يا ابي
يا ابي اخوتي لا يحبونني
لا يريدونني بينهم
اه يا ابي
الفراشات حطت على كتفي
و مالت علي السماء
والطير حلق فوق يدي
فماذا صنعت انا يا ابي يا ابي
ولماذا انا
انت سميتني يوسف يا ابي يا ابي
وهم اوقعوني بالجب
واهموا الذئب والذئب ارحم من اخوتي
ابتي ابتي ابتي يا ابتي
هل جنيت على احد
عندما قلت اني
رايت احد عشر كوكبا
والشمس والقمر
رايتهم لي ساجدين
رايت احد ع
When the breeze passed and my hair player ran and ran
They raid, flee to me, and revolt against you
What did you do to them, Dad?
I am Youssef, my father
My dear brothers, do not love me
They don't want me among them
Oh, Dad
They assault me
And they throw me pebbles and talk
they want me to die to like me
And they locked my door without me
They kicked me out of the field
And they poisoned my grapes, my father, my father, my father
I am Youssef, my father
I am Youssef, my father
My dear brothers, do not love me
They don't want me among them
Oh, Dad
Butterflies landed on my shoulder
And tilted on the sky
And the bird flew over my hands
What did I do, Dad?
Why me
You named me Youssef, my father, my father
And they made me obligatory
And they wolf wolf and wolf is more merciful than my brothers
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
Did you reap anyone?
When I said I was
I saw eleven planets
And the sun and the moon
You saw them prostrating to me
I saw someone p