| Текст песни Nightcore - War Of Change Просмотров: 1 0 чел. считают текст песни верным 0 чел. считают текст песни неверным Тут находится текст песни Nightcore - War Of Change, а также перевод, видео и клип. t's a truth that in love and war Это правда, что в любви и войне Worlds collide and hearts get broken, Сталкиваются миры и разбиваются сердца, I want to live like I know I'm dying. Я хочу жить так, как будто я знаю, что умираю, Take up my cross, Взять на себя свой крест Not be afraid. И не бояться
Is it true what they say Правду говорят, That words are weapons? Что слова – это оружие? And if it is, then everybody'd best stop steppin' И если это так, то лучше бы всем остановиться, 'Cause I got ten in my pocket Потому что у меня в кармане десяток пуль, That'll bend ya locket. Которые погнут твой медальон. I'm tired of all these rockers saying "Come with me!" Мне надоели все эти рокеры, кричащие "Идем со мной!"
Wait, Подожди, It's just about to break, it's more than I can take, Скоро все разрушится, это больше, чем я могу вынести, Everything's about to change. Скоро все изменится. I feel it in my veins, it's not going away, Я чувствую нутром, что пути назад нет - Everything about to change. Скоро все изменится.
It creeps in like a thief in the night, Оно прокрадывается, как вор в ночи, Without a sign, without a warning Ни знака, ни предупреждения, But we are ready and prepared to fight, Но мы полностью готовы к битве, Raise up your swords, Подними свой меч, Don't be afraid! Не бойся!
Is it true what they say Правду говорят, That words are weapons? Что слова – это оружие? And if it is, then everybody'd best stop steppin' И если это так, то лучше бы всем остановиться, 'Cause I got ten in my pocket Потому что у меня в кармане десяток пуль, That'll bend ya locket, Которые погнут твой медальон. I'm tired of all these rockers saying "Come with me!" Мне надоели все эти рокеры, кричащие "Идем со мной!"
Wait, Подожди, It's just about to break, it's more than I can take, Скоро все разрушится, это больше, чем я могу вынести, Everything's about to change. Скоро все изменится. I feel it in my veins, it's not going away, Я чувствую нутром, что пути назад нет - Everything about to change. Скоро все изменится.
This is a warning, like it or not. Это предупреждение, нравится тебе это или нет, I break down like a record spinning, gotta get up! Я сломался, как крутящаяся пластинка, я поднимусь! So back off! Так что отступи! This is a warning, like it or not. Это предупреждение, нравится тебе это или нет, I'm tired of listenin', I'm warning you, don't try to get up! Мне надоело слушать, я тебя предупреждаю: не пытайся встать!
There's a war going on inside of me tonight Внутри меня этой ночью разгорается война (Don't be afraid), (Не бойся), There's a war going on inside of me tonight Внутри меня этой ночью разгорается война (Don't be afraid). (Не бойся).
Wait, Подожди, It's just about to break, it's more than I can take, Скоро все разрушится, это больше, чем я могу вынести, Everything's about to change. Скоро все изменится. I feel it in my veins, it's not going away, Я чувствую нутром, что пути назад нет - Everything about to change. [x2]
T'S A Truth That In Love and War It's true that in love and war WORLDS COLLIDE AND HEARTS GET BROKEN, Faces worlds and broken hearts, I WANT TO LIVE LIWE I KNOW I'm Dying. I want to live as if I know that I am dying, Take Up My Cross Take on your cross NOT BE AFRAID. And do not be afraid
IS IT TRUE WHAT THEY SAY The truth is said to That Words Are Weapons? What words are weapon? And IF IT IS, Then Everybody'd Best Stop Steppin ' And if so, it would be better for everyone to stop, 'Cause I Got Ten In My Pocket Because I have a dozen bullets in my pocket, That'll Bend Ya Locket. Which will be afraid of your medallion. I'm Tired of All These Rocket Saying "Come With Me!" I'm tired of all these rockers, screaming "go with me!"
Wait Wait, It's just about to break, it's more than i can take Soon everything collapses, it is more than I can make it, Everything's about to change. Soon everything will change. I Feel IT in My Veins, It's Not Going Away, I feel the gut that the way back is not - Everything about to change. Soon everything will change.
IT CREEPS IN LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, It processes how the thief in the night, WITHOUT A SIGN, WITHOUT A WARNING No sign nor warning But We Are Ready and Prepared to Fight But we are fully prepared for the battle, Raise Up Your Swords, Raise your sword DON'T BE AFRAID! Do not be afraid!
IS IT TRUE WHAT THEY SAY The truth is said to That Words Are Weapons? What words are weapon? And IF IT IS, Then Everybody'd Best Stop Steppin ' And if so, it would be better for everyone to stop, 'Cause I Got Ten In My Pocket Because I have a dozen bullets in my pocket, That'll Bend Ya Locket, Which will be afraid of your medallion. I'm Tired of All These Rocket Saying "Come With Me!" I'm tired of all these rockers, screaming "go with me!"
Wait Wait, It's just about to break, it's more than i can take Soon everything collapses, it is more than I can make it, Everything's about to change. Soon everything will change. I Feel IT in My Veins, It's Not Going Away, I feel the gut that the way back is not - Everything about to change. Soon everything will change.
This is a warning, Like it or not. This warning, you like it or not, I BREAK DOWN LIKE A RECORD SPINNING, GOTTA GET UP! I broke like a spinning plate, I'll climb it! SO Back Off! So retreat! This is a warning, Like it or not. This warning, you like it or not, I'm Tired of Listenin ', I'm Warning You, Don't Try to Get Up! I'm tired of listening, I warn you: do not try to get up!
THERE'S A WAR GOING ON INSIDE OF ME TONIGHT Inside me, war flared up (DON'T BE AFRAID) (Do not be afraid), THERE'S A WAR GOING ON INSIDE OF ME TONIGHT Inside me, war flared up (DON'T BE AFRAID). (Do not be afraid).
Wait Wait, It's just about to break, it's more than i can take Soon everything collapses, it is more than I can make it, Everything's about to change. Soon everything will change. I Feel IT in My Veins, It's Not Going Away, I feel the gut that the way back is not - Everything about to change. [x2] Опрос: Верный ли текст песни? ДаНет Вконтакте Facebook Мой мир Одноклассники Google+ | |