Christós anésti ek nekrón,
thanáto thánaton patísas,
ké tís en tís mnímasi,
zoín charisámenos!
Christ is risen from the dead,
By death He conquered death,
And to those in the graves
He granted life!
Христос воскресе из мертвых,
По смерти он победил смерть,
И тем, кто в могилах
Он даровал жизнь!
Christós Anésti EK Nekrón,
Thanáto Thánaton Patísas,
Ké Tís en Tís Mnímasi,
Zoín Charisámenos!
Christ is Risen from the Dead,
By Death He Conquered Death,
And to those in the graves
Christ is resurrected from the dead,
By death, he defeated death,
And those who are in the grave
He gave life!