We've been beating cheeks for the better part of our existence
Constantly spreading disease of our humanity
Rotting her... Out
We've been fucking this whore
Mother earth for awhile
She's a filthy bitch anyway [x2]
Rotting her from the inside
Penetrating deeper and deeper every day
We are at our end
So let's continue to move forward and destroy ourselves
Rotting her... Out [x2]
Genocide of all humanity
Genocide of your reality [x2]
Мы избивали щеки ради лучшей доли своего существования,
Постоянно распространяя заболевание человечества.
Заставляя ее разлагаться...
Мы трахали эту шлюху,
Мать Землю,
В любом случае,она грязная сука...
Разлагая ее изнутри,
Проникая глубже и глубже с каждым днем,
Мы близки к своему концу,
Что ж,давайте продолжим двигаться дальше и уничтожать самих себя.
Заставляя ее разлагаться...
Геноцид всего человечества!
Геноцид нашей реальности!
We've been beating cheeks for the better part of our existence
Constantly spreading disease of our humanity
Rotting her ... Out
We've been fucking this whore
Mother earth for awhile
She's a filthy bitch anyway [x2]
Rotting her from the inside
Penetrating deeper and deeper every day
We are at our end
So let's continue to move forward and destroy ourselves
Rotting her ... Out [x2]
Genocide of all humanity
Genocide of your reality [x2]
We beat cheeks for a better share of its existence ,
Constantly spreading disease of mankind.
Causing it to decompose ...
We fucked this whore
Mother Earth
In any case, it is a dirty bitch ...
Expanding it inside
Penetrating deeper and deeper with each passing day ,
We are close to an end ,
Well, let's continue to move forward and destroy themselves.
Causing it to decompose ...
Genocide of all mankind !
Genocide of our reality !